September, Thursday 19, 2024

Harrison Ford's Star Wars script fetches a significant amount at auction


A Star Wars movie script that was left behind by actor Harrison Ford in a flat he rented in Notting Hill, London, in 1976 has been sold at an auction for £10,795. Ford needed a place to stay close to the Elstree Studios in Hertfordshire, where he was filming Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope at the time. The owners of the flat developed a good relationship with Ford, who was described as an excellent tenant. However, they have now decided to sell the script, which is the fourth draft of the first Star Wars film and was written by George Lucas. The script is incomplete and includes scenes and characters that were ultimately cut from the final edit. Other items that Ford left behind in the flat, such as a letter from his agent and a shooting schedule, were also auctioned off. The auction saw competitive bidding from around the world, and the auction house hopes the new owners will treasure these unique pieces of Star Wars history.