September, Friday 20, 2024

Call to Address Instability in Africa Made by Head of AU Commission


The chair of the African Union Commission (AUC), Moussa Faki Mahamat, has urged leaders to address conflicts in the continent and denounced a series of coups in some African nations. Speaking at the AU summit in Addis Ababa, Mahamat expressed concern over the ongoing war in Sudan and the instability in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He also highlighted other key topics, including the conflict between Israel and Hamas, poverty, climate change, and education. Mahamat criticized "unconstitutional changes of government" and raised alarm over the rise of terrorism in Africa, which leads to excessive military spending and undermines social sectors. The AUC chair also voiced concerns about the political crisis in Senegal but welcomed the government's decision to abide by the Constitutional Council's ruling. Additionally, Mahamat's remarks were overshadowed by a dispute between Somalia's president and Ethiopian security forces, as Somalia accuses Ethiopia of attempting to annex part of its territory.