September, Thursday 19, 2024

Google introduces new Gemini AI with enhanced thoughtfulness


Google has unveiled a new artificial intelligence (AI) model called Gemini that it claims has advanced "reasoning capabilities" to provide more careful and accurate answers to complex questions. Google tested Gemini's problem-solving and knowledge in various subjects, including mathematics and humanities. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, sees Gemini as a significant step forward in AI. Previously, Google took a cautious approach with their AI chatbot, Bard, but Gemini represents a more capable and powerful model that can outperform human experts in intelligence tests. Gemini is not a standalone product but rather a foundational model that will be integrated into Google's existing tools, such as search and Bard. One of the notable features of Gemini is its ability to learn from sources other than text, including images, which sets a new standard according to industry analysts. While Google claims that Gemini outperforms OpenAI's popular chatbot ChatGPT, OpenAI is planning to release a more advanced version of its software next year. However, recent internal turmoil at OpenAI may potentially affect its upcoming launch. Additionally, competition in the field of AI is increasing with companies like Elon Musk's xAI and Chinese firm Baidu also developing their own AI products. As AI technology continues to evolve, there are growing concerns about the potential risks and harms it may cause. Governments worldwide are working towards developing regulations and legislation to address these concerns. In the UK, a summit was held where participants emphasized the need for safe development of AI. It is important to approach the future of AI with urgency, unity, and collective strength, according to leaders in the field.