September, Friday 20, 2024

Fierce fighting nearby leaves Gaza hospital in shambles


The largest hospital in Gaza is facing dire conditions as heavy fighting continues in the surrounding streets. According to staff members at Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, the facility has run out of water, food, and electricity. Israel has stated that it clashed with Hamas near the hospital but did not fire on it. However, reports from inside the hospital describe a scene of horror and confusion, with patients unable to evacuate, bodies accumulating without proper burial, and ongoing fighting nearby. Thousands of people, including refugees, have sought refuge at Al-Shifa hospital, which has been at the center of intense fighting for the past two days. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has repeatedly accused Hamas of operating from tunnels beneath the hospital, an allegation that Hamas denies. Surgeon Marwan Abu Saada, speaking to the BBC, stated that the sounds of shooting and bombardments can be heard constantly within Al-Shifa. Alongside the lack of medical supplies and fuel shortages, the morgue refrigerator is not functioning due to the generator running out of fuel. Physicians for Human Rights Israel reported that two premature babies have already died due to the lack of electricity, and there are concerns for the lives of 37 other premature infants. Although Israel denies a siege on Al-Shifa, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari announced that Israel would assist in transferring patients from the pediatric department to a safer hospital upon the hospital administration's request. International charities have issued warnings about the lack of medical treatment for patients in hospitals near the fighting in Gaza, which puts their lives at risk. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) expressed concern that without a ceasefire, the remaining patients in these hospitals will die, transforming them into graveyards. Other hospitals in Gaza are also affected by the ongoing conflict. Al-Quds hospital reports being trapped alongside 500 patients and approximately 14,000 displaced people. Meanwhile, Al-Rantisi hospital has been largely evacuated, with only a few patients and staff remaining. The situation in Gaza is dire, with the UN's agency for Palestine refugees reporting that more than 1.5 million people, out of the region's total population of 2.2 million, have been displaced since the war began. The death toll on both sides is staggering, with Hamas claiming that Israel's response inside Gaza has killed over 11,000 people, including more than 4,500 children. French President Emmanuel Macron has called for a ceasefire and urged other world leaders, including the US and the UK, to join him in addressing the crisis.