September, Friday 20, 2024

India Plans Test Flight Before Sending Human to Space: Gaganyaan Mission Update


The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is set to conduct a series of critical tests for its planned mission to send astronauts into space in 2025. The first of these tests will involve the launch of the Gaganyaan spacecraft on Saturday from Sriharikota. The purpose of this test is to determine if the crew can safely escape the rocket in case of a malfunction. If successful, it will pave the way for unmanned missions, including sending a robot into space next year. The manned mission with three astronauts will only occur after the successful completion of these tests. The Gaganyaan project, named after the Sanskrit word for craft or vehicle to the sky, has been developed at a cost of 90 billion rupees ($1 billion). Its objective is to send astronauts to a 400km orbit and return them safely after three days. If successful, India will become the fourth country to send a human into space, after the Soviet Union, the United States, and China. The current test, called Flight Test Vehicle Abort Mission-1, will focus on demonstrating the capsule's crew escape system. The ISRO's chief, S Somanath, has emphasized the importance of this system, stating that it is crucial to ensure the safety of the crew in case of a rocket malfunction. The test will last approximately nine minutes and will involve deploying parachutes to ensure a safe touchdown in the Bay of Bengal. If this test is successful, the ISRO plans to send an unmanned Gaganyaan spacecraft with a humanoid robot named Vyommitra next year. The agency has also selected Indian Air Force pilots for the crew, who are currently undergoing extensive physical and psychological evaluations. The planned test has generated significant interest in India, given the country's recent achievements in space exploration. These include being the first to land near the Moon's south pole and launching the Aditya-L1 observation mission to the Sun. Additionally, India has announced plans to establish a space station by 2035 and send an astronaut to the Moon by 2040.