September, Thursday 19, 2024

French Aviator Found Guilty for Decapitating Skydiver by Plane Wing


A French pilot has been banned from flying after causing the death of a skydiver by decapitating him with the wing of a plane. The incident occurred in July 2018 when Nicolas Galy, 40, was struck in mid-air immediately after jumping from the aircraft. The guilty pilot, whose identity remains unknown, has been convicted of involuntary manslaughter and received a suspended sentence from the Montauban criminal court. In addition, the Midi-Pyrénées Skydiving School Association, which employed the pilot, has been fined 20,000 euros, with half of that amount being suspended. Reports suggest that there was no consultation between the pilot and the skydiver about the plane's trajectory before the jump, highlighting negligence and recklessness. The court president also highlighted a lack of communication between the victim and the pilot. Following the tragedy, safety measures have been strengthened, and pre-jump briefings have become mandatory.