September, Thursday 19, 2024

French political parties across the spectrum set aside ideological differences to jointly oppose migration bill


French President Emmanuel Macron's government has suffered a defeat as a key immigration reform bill failed to pass. Members of parliament from various political ideologies, including the far right, far left, and moderate right and left, voted against the bill. The government claims that the bill aims to both regulate immigration and facilitate the integration of migrants. However, left-wing politicians argue that the measures are too repressive, while those on the right believe that the version presented to parliament is not stringent enough. Some of the provisions in the bill would make it easier for the government to deport migrants who receive prison sentences of five years or longer, as well as make it more challenging for migrants to bring their family members to France. However, the bill is considerably milder than a draft proposed by the right-dominated Senate, which sought to limit healthcare and benefits for undocumented migrants. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, known for his tough stance on immigration, strongly supported the bill. He claimed that passing the bill would enable the government to deport "very dangerous" foreign nationals, including drug dealers. Despite his efforts to gain support from opposition MPs, the bill was rejected when different factions, including the far-right National Rally, far-left France Unbowed, right-wing Republicans, and smaller parties, voted against it. Arthur Delaporte, an MP from the centre-left Socialist party, stated that his party would oppose the bill, arguing that it was "unjust, scandalous, and posed a threat to freedom." Since losing its parliamentary majority in the June 2022 elections, Macron's party has struggled to secure votes in parliament. However, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne cannot use a measure to pass laws without a vote to push this draft bill forward.