September, Friday 20, 2024

Francoise Bornet, the Woman in Robert Doisneau's Iconic Paris Kiss Photo, Passes Away at 93


Francoise Bornet, the woman who appeared in the famous photograph of a couple kissing on the street in Paris, has died at the age of 93. The photograph, titled The Kiss by the Hotel de Ville, was taken by photographer Robert Doisneau in 1950. It became a massive commercial success in the 1980s, but also sparked a legal dispute as other couples claimed to be the ones featured in the photo. Despite the photo appearing spontaneous, it was actually staged. Bornet and her then boyfriend, Jacques Carteaud, were approached by Doisneau, who asked them to recreate their embrace. The couple was paid a small fee for their participation. Bornet recently proved her authenticity as the woman in the photo by producing an original copy, signed by Doisneau himself. The photograph, which became one of the most famous images of Paris, sold for €150,000 in 2005. Bornet's former boyfriend and Doisneau have both passed away. Bornet had a career in film after splitting up with Carteaud, and she leaves behind a legacy immortalized by that memorable kiss.