September, Friday 20, 2024

FBI Launches Investigation into Alleged Sexual Misconduct Accusations against Former Abercrombie Executive


The FBI has launched an investigation into allegations that the former CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch, Mike Jeffries, sexually exploited and abused men at events he hosted worldwide. The investigation comes after the BBC revealed these claims and a civil lawsuit was filed against Jeffries and his British partner, accusing them of running a sex-trafficking operation. FBI agents are now conducting interviews and issuing subpoenas to potential witnesses. The investigation is focused on alleged sex crimes and is being led by FBI agents specializing in this area, along with federal prosecutors from the Eastern District of New York. Both the FBI and the US Attorney's Office have declined to comment on the matter. The BBC's documentary and podcast series exposed allegations made by eight men who claimed to have attended these events between 2009 and 2015 in various cities like London, Paris, and Marrakesh. These men alleged that Jeffries and his partner engaged in sexual activities with them or instructed them to engage in sexual activities with each other. The BBC also discovered documents, such as flight tickets and event itineraries, suggesting the existence of an organized operation involving recruiters and a middleman, James Jacobson. Jacobson denied any wrongdoing, stating that men willingly participated in these events. Abercrombie & Fitch has expressed its disgust and suspended a significant portion of Jeffries' retirement payments. Jeffries' lawyer and his partner, Matthew Smith, have not responded to the allegations. A civil lawsuit filed against Abercrombie & Fitch alleges that Jeffries and Smith operated a sex-trafficking ring between 1992 and 2014, potentially victimizing over 100 men. The lawsuit claims that these men were manipulated under the false promise of becoming Abercrombie models. Brad Edwards, a civil lawyer representing some of the alleged victims, suggested that it would not be surprising if the authorities were investigating the matter. Jeffries' lawyer has chosen not to comment on the allegations in the civil lawsuit, preferring to address the matter in court. BBC viewers in the UK can watch Panorama's The Abercrombie Guys: The Dark Side of Cool, while US viewers can access The Abercrombie Guys: The Dark Side of Cool on BBC Select. The podcast series, World of Secrets: Season 1 - The Abercrombie Guys, is available to audiences outside the UK.