September, Thursday 19, 2024

European Union lawmakers mistakenly visit Disneyland during official visit


During a train journey from Brussels to Strasbourg, members and staff of the European Parliament were surprised when their train unexpectedly ended up at Disneyland Paris. This special chartered train is used once a month to transport MEPs between Brussels and Strasbourg, the seats of the parliament. The incident occurred due to a signalling error, giving the passengers a brief view of rollercoasters. While some made light of the mix-up, others saw it as a reminder of the merits of conducting business in Belgium rather than traveling to Strasbourg. The incident also sparked a discussion about whether the European Parliament should permanently settle in Brussels, with one individual suggesting that the Strasbourg buildings could be repurposed as a new Disneyland. Despite the delay lasting only 45 minutes, it was not enough time for the MEPs and their aides to enjoy the amusement park. The French railway company SNCF explained that a track signalling error resulted in the train missing an interconnecting line in the greater Paris region. Eventually, it was redirected back onto the correct track towards Strasbourg.