September, Thursday 19, 2024

Afghanistan's Elite Troops at Risk of Falling into Taliban's Hands Following Alleged UK Betrayal


Approximately 200 members of Afghan special forces, who were trained and financially supported by the UK, are facing deportation back to their Taliban-controlled homeland, according to information obtained by the BBC. This revelation has been described by a former UK general as a "betrayal" and a "disgrace". These soldiers sought refuge in Pakistan, but now the country plans to expel Afghan refugees. The UK government claims to have brought thousands of Afghans to safety but has failed to relocate these special forces soldiers, which has been criticized as either duplicitous or incompetent. Several key Afghan civilian leaders who worked with the UK in Helmand Province have also been denied asylum. A private letter sent to the Foreign Office in March 2022 called for urgent help for a group of 32 former officials who worked closely with the UK and US, but their applications were rejected or still await a decision. The UK's failure to honor its commitment to these individuals has been denounced as a betrayal that could result in their deaths or imprisonment. Afghan special forces soldiers facing deportation from Pakistan express feelings of abandonment and betrayal, while civilians who worked alongside the UK voice their disappointment and fear as they are left in precarious situations. This situation highlights concerns about the UK's handling of its obligations and commitments to Afghan partners who risked their lives to support British efforts in the country.