September, Friday 20, 2024

Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin discharged from hospital after treatment


US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin has been discharged from the hospital and has resumed his duties, according to the Pentagon. Austin, aged 70, was hospitalized on Sunday in the critical care unit for symptoms related to a bladder issue. During his hospitalization, he temporarily delegated his responsibilities to his deputy. There had been previous criticism of Austin for not disclosing his prostate cancer diagnosis and two earlier hospital stays in December and January. However, in a statement, his doctors confirmed that he is in good condition after receiving non-surgical treatment for his bladder problems, emphasizing that it is not related to his cancer diagnosis and will not affect his prognosis. It was revealed earlier this year that senior defense officials and the Biden administration were unaware of Austin's cancer diagnosis until three days into his readmission to the hospital in January. Austin has since apologized and is scheduled to testify before Congress about his failure to inform officials of his illness later this month. The Pentagon informed the White House and senior defense officials about Austin's most recent hospital stay. As the defense secretary is one of the key members of the cabinet and just below the president in the military chain of command, his health is of significant importance.