September, Friday 20, 2024

Insight into Downing Street's private WhatsApp chats during Covid inquiry


During the public inquiry into the UK government's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, private messages have been revealed that highlight the strained and contentious relationships between key politicians and officials involved in the crisis. Some of the most notable exchanges include messages between Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his chief of staff, Dominic Cummings, where doubts about the severity of the situation and frustration over government debt are expressed. There are also explicit messages about other officials, including derogatory comments about Helen MacNamara, the deputy cabinet secretary at the time. In addition, the messages reveal criticism of Health Secretary Matt Hancock and a loss of faith in the effectiveness of lockdown measures to control the virus. The messages provide insight into the internal dynamics and tensions within the government during this critical period. Prime Minister Johnson is set to give evidence later this year.