September, Friday 20, 2024

Argentine leader Milei's labor reform plan suffers setback from court ruling


The newly elected president of Argentina, Javier Milei, has faced a setback as a court in Argentina suspended his labor reforms. The reforms, introduced by decree after Milei took office, were challenged by trade unions who argued that they undermined basic protections for workers. The court ruling temporarily freezes the labor reforms, and Milei is expected to appeal against it. The reforms aimed to increase the probation period for workers, reduce compensation payments for dismissals, and shorten pregnancy leave. The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), Argentina's main trade union federation, brought the legal challenge and has called for a general nationwide strike. Milei, who believes that Argentina's economy is hindered by excessive regulations, aims to implement sweeping economic changes to address the country's economic crisis. However, his plans have faced opposition from trade unions and left-wing groups who argue that they dismantle workers' rights. Thousands of protesters marched in Buenos Aires against the proposed changes.