September, Thursday 19, 2024

Outdoor Enthusiast Couple Tragically Fatally Attacked by Bear in Canada


A horrific bear attack in Banff National Park in Canada has claimed the lives of two long-term partners, Doug Inglis and Jenny Gusse, both aged 62. The couple, who were experienced in outdoor activities, were camping in the backcountry when they were attacked by an older female grizzly bear. Officials noted that the bear had low body fat for this time of year. Two cans of bear spray were discovered at the scene, and the couple's food had been properly stored. The couple's nephew, Colin Inglis, identified them and described them as individuals who deeply loved each other and the outdoors. The couple's dog was also killed in the attack. Prior to the tragic incident, Doug and Jenny had been sharing updates about their trip using a GPS device. On the day of the attack, they mentioned encountering a bear and later sent an alert stating, "Bear attack bad." The bear responsible for the attack was later shot and killed by Parks Canada to ensure public safety. Investigations revealed that the couple had been in a permitted area without an active bear warning. The occurrence of fatal bear attacks is incredibly rare, with only three non-fatal encounters recorded in Banff National Park over the past decade. This incident marks the first grizzly bear-related fatality in the park in many years. However, it is the second grizzly bear fatality in North America this year, following a similar incident near Yellowstone National Park. With more people venturing into the outdoors, human-bear encounters are increasing. As a result, officials have closed off an area surrounding Red Deer and Panther valleys following the attack.