September, Thursday 19, 2024

COP28: Will a climate conference hosted by an oil-rich nation have any impact?


COP28, the world's most significant climate meeting, will be hosted in Dubai by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a top oil producer. The conference will bring together world leaders, including King Charles III and Rishi Sunak, along with 70,000 attendees. However, concerns have been raised as evidence suggests that the UAE team planned to use the climate talks to make oil and gas deals. Greta Thunberg has criticized UN climate summits for being all talk and no action. Despite this, the COP process is necessary to address the potential catastrophe caused by human actions and bring countries together to find solutions. The Paris agreement in 2015 was a major step forward, but progress has been slow. At COP28, efforts will focus on making the promises of action by governments more comprehensive, including broadening commitments to cover emissions from all economic activities. Financial issues, such as who pays for climate action, will also be discussed. The conference will address the inequality between rich and poor countries and the need for financial assistance for developing nations. However, challenges remain regarding funding and contributions to the "Loss and Damage" fund. Additionally, there will be debates on whether to phase down or phase out fossil fuel production and use. The discussions at COP28 aim to drive meaningful action on climate change and achieve the goals set in the Paris agreement.