September, Friday 20, 2024

Worries Grow as Increasing Number of Uncontrolled Hens Roam Outskirts of Village


The local authority in the village of Laxey has issued a warning to residents not to abandon hens in the area, following an increase in reports of wild poultry. Garff Commissioners have emphasized that leaving the birds is a criminal offense and have urged people to stop feeding them. Commissioner Mel Christian mentioned that what started as two or three birds has now turned into a flock of more than 20, which is becoming problematic. There have been more sightings of wild poultry in areas like Glen Roy and the Dhoon Glen car park, leading to concerns about traffic risks and vermin. The authority is limited in its ability to address the issue as the birds are often on government land, and it is unclear who is abandoning them. Ms. Christian, who is a poultry keeper herself, speculates that people who own chickens and have chicks might be responsible. She emphasizes that abandoning the birds is a criminal offense and should not be done.