September, Thursday 19, 2024

Citibank Prevails in Lawsuit After Firing Employee Over Alleged Lunchtime Sandwich Incident


Citibank has won a legal case in which an employee, Szabolcs Fekete, was dismissed for claiming expenses for his partner's sandwiches and coffee, as well as lying about it. Fekete, who had worked at Citi for seven years as a financial crime analyst, was accused of gross misconduct and unfair dismissal after he initially claimed to have consumed the items himself during a business trip to Amsterdam. However, he later admitted that his partner had also shared the meals. Fekete had filed an expense claim for the food and drinks, believing they were covered by the bank's daily allowance. The bank questioned the claim, not due to the amount, but because it breached its expense management policy, which disallows reimbursement for spousal travel and meals. After further inquiries, during which Fekete admitted sharing meals with his partner, the bank dismissed him. Fekete then took Citi to court for unfair and wrongful dismissal. The judge ruled in favor of the bank, stating that Fekete had failed to disclose the truth and answer questions directly when initially questioned about the expenses. The judge also emphasized the importance of honesty and trust in the banking industry. Citi expressed its satisfaction with the court's decision.