September, Friday 20, 2024

South African City of Cape Town Experiences Unpleasant Odor due to Cattle Ship in Port


According to local officials, a ship carrying 19,000 cows in the port of Cape Town has caused a nauseating smell in the city. Residents have described it as the worst stench they have ever encountered. The source of the smell has been traced to the Al Kuwait ship, which has been anchored in Cape Town since Sunday. The ship was supposed to leave on Monday night for Iraq, but it stopped in Cape Town to get feed for the cattle. Animal welfare organization NSPCA boarded the ship and stated that the smell indicated the terrible conditions the animals endure. Cape Town residents have been greatly affected by the smell, but it has not spread to other areas. Many residents expressed concern for the workers and animals on the ship. The NSPCA used this opportunity to reiterate their opposition to the live export of animals by sea, stating that it causes immense pain and suffering to the animals involved.