September, Friday 20, 2024

The sizzling royalty of Brunei ties the knot in an extravagant 10-day festivity

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Prince Abdul Mateen of Brunei, who is well-known for his good looks and military service, recently got married to his fiancee in a 10-day royal wedding ceremony. The prince had revealed his relationship and engagement with Yang Mulia Anisha Rosnah last December, surprising many of his fans who considered him one of Asia's most eligible bachelors. His bride, Anisha, is the granddaughter of an adviser to Brunei's leader, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, and is said to own a fashion and tourism company. The wedding ceremony took place at the Istana Nurul Iman palace, where Prince Abdul Mateen, 32, was dressed in ceremonial uniform, and Anisha, 29, wore a long white dress and jewelry. The wedding was attended by around 5,000 guests, including royalty from Saudi Arabia and Jordan, as well as the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, and the leader of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. The newly married couple made their first public appearance after the ceremony, riding in an open-top Rolls Royce and waving at thousands of well-wishers during a lavish procession in the capital, Bandar Seri Begawan. The wedding events were broadcasted on local TV stations, allowing citizens to witness some of the celebrations. Prince Abdul Mateen, who is the tenth child of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, holds no immediate succession claim to the throne. However, his popularity has skyrocketed, and he boasts millions of followers on Instagram. Videos of the prince at royal functions, polo matches, and even in his army uniform can be found online. The wedding began on January 7th and reached its peak with a grand ceremony on Sunday. The Islamic marriage ceremony, which formalized the union, took place on Wednesday and was attended only by male members of the wedding party, including the prince and his father. Footage showed citizens lining the streets of the capital, welcoming the royal motorcade as it carried Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah and Prince Abdul Mateen to a solemnization ceremony inside a golden-domed mosque. The prince wore a traditional white outfit and headpiece with a diamond-shaped print and paid his respects to his father after being bestowed by an imam.