September, Friday 20, 2024

War in Gaza: Reflecting on 100 days since Hamas initiated the attack on Israel


In Israel, on the commemoration of the events of October 7th, thousands gathered to remember the day 100 days ago when Hamas abducted around 130 hostages who are still being held captive in Gaza. The attack took place when heavily armed Hamas fighters crossed the Gaza border fence at multiple locations, targeting kibbutzim, military bases, and border towns. The infiltration caught Israeli defenses completely off guard, resulting in at least 1,200 deaths along the border. The images of festivalgoers fleeing for their lives at the Nova festival deeply shook the country, with over 360 people killed and dozens taken to Gaza. At the commemorative event in Tel Aviv, the families of the disappeared, carrying posters and wearing T-shirts with the faces of their loved ones, called attention to their plight. Concerns were raised about the hostages' well-being and the lack of information received by their families. The incident marked one of the biggest threats faced by Israel, leaving its people feeling vulnerable. Israel responded to the attack with an intensive bombing campaign in Gaza aimed at destroying Hamas and its support infrastructure. As a result, a significant portion of Gaza has been destroyed, and according to Israeli military claims, Hamas has been severely weakened. However, the civilian death toll has been high, with over 23,000 reported deaths, mostly women and children. The situation in Gaza has been described as intolerable, with a large portion of the population displaced. International pressure is mounting on Israel to consider a ceasefire, even from its closest ally, the US. President Biden criticized Israel for the civilian death toll and its indiscriminate bombing, which has tarnished its reputation globally. Columnist Gideon Levy believes the war may not last much longer but warns about the consequences if Israel does not withdraw from Gaza. The fighting will continue until Hamas is completely defeated, according to Israel's stance. The future appears bleak for the region and the civilians enduring dire conditions in Gaza.