September, Friday 20, 2024

Gaza Hospital on the Verge of Collapse as Corridors Overflow with Bodies


The main hospital in Gaza City, Al Shifa, is currently operating at full capacity. The hospital is overwhelmed with bodies, as there is not enough space in the morgue to hold them all. The hallways are filled with seriously injured individuals, including women and children. It is a race against time for the doctors and staff, who are under immense pressure to provide treatment before the hospital's backup generators fail. One young girl, who experienced intense pain and shock after her home was shelled by Israeli forces, desperately calls out for medical attention. Despite the efforts of the medical team, some individuals have already succumbed to their injuries. Surviving family members are grieving alongside the bodies of their deceased relatives. A woman who was scheduled for an operation had it postponed due to the prioritization of more critical patients. The head of the hospital warns of the dire consequences if the facility loses electricity, as numerous patients, including those in critical care, rely on life-saving equipment. The situation hits close to home for the BBC reporters, as they discover that their own neighbors, relatives, and friends are among the casualties. The Palestinian Ministry of Health acknowledges the immense pressure they are under and the growing risk that hospitals in Gaza may soon be incapacitated due to a power shutdown.