September, Friday 20, 2024

Desired Outcomes of US-China Talks: Understanding the Goals of the Biden-Xi Meeting


US President Joe Biden and China's President Xi Jinping are scheduled to have a high-profile meeting in California, where they will address various challenging topics. These topics include trade, conflicts in the Middle East, and Taiwan. Both leaders have different expectations for the meeting. For Xi Jinping, coming out of the summit and giving the appearance that he is steering US-China relations into calmer waters would be a political win. Despite being a powerful leader, Xi Jinping has faced pressures and setbacks, making a public win crucial for him. The subjects to be discussed between the two leaders are of significant interest, given the numerous potentially sensitive issues between Beijing and Washington, such as freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, US support for Taiwan, and trade restrictions on certain technologies. However, Xi Jinping's primary focus is on the domestic perception of him as a strong leader dealing with America. Recent events, including the removal of high-profile appointees and the overhaul of the country's nuclear missile leadership, have raised questions about Xi's judgement and the stability of the Communist Party. The Chinese economy, once seen as unstoppable, is also facing challenges and a trade boost would be welcomed. While major breakthroughs are not expected from this meeting, preventing further deterioration in US-China relations is crucial. The meeting aims to re-establish military communications and address contentious issues like Iran, Russia, and Taiwan. Additionally, discussions on economics and trade, including the ban on certain semiconductor exports to China, and concerns about Chinese-made fentanyl and election interference will be on the agenda. President Biden believes his experience and global relationships can help defuse tensions, making this meeting a significant test for him.