September, Friday 20, 2024

BBC journalists gain access to Al-Shifa Hospital alongside Israeli forces


Israel Defense Forces (IDF) invited the BBC and another television crew to the Al-Shifa Hospital complex in Gaza to show what they claimed to have found there. The journalists were escorted by heavily armed soldiers and had to navigate through debris and makeshift tents. Doctors at the hospital reported working without basic necessities such as power, food, and water, resulting in the death of critically ill patients, including newborns. Israel alleged that Hamas operated a network of underground tunnels, including under the hospital. Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus led the journalists into the building to view weapons and military materials they had discovered. He claimed that the laptops found contained photos and videos of hostages, as well as footage of interrogations of Hamas fighters. The army believed that Hamas had fled the hospital only a few days before Israel gained control. The visit was controlled, with limited time and no opportunity to speak to doctors or patients. Israeli forces had spent weeks fighting their way to the hospital, and the surrounding areas had witnessed intense fighting. The article concludes with the journalists leaving the hospital and observing the destruction in Gaza City.