September, Friday 20, 2024

Baltimore Ravens player aids during an in-flight crisis

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A Baltimore Ravens player is receiving praise for his assistance during a medical emergency that occurred mid-flight. Mark Andrews, a tight end for the team, quickly came to the aid of flight attendants and healthcare professionals when a fellow passenger fell ill. The Ravens organization confirmed Mr. Andrews' actions, emphasizing that the true heroes were the nurse and doctor who happened to be on the plane. In a statement, Mr. Andrews acknowledged their contribution and also commended the fast-acting flight attendants for promptly assisting the woman. The incident took place during a Southwest Airlines flight from Baltimore, Maryland, to Phoenix, Arizona on a Thursday morning. The female passenger was experiencing medical issues and was semi-conscious and unresponsive. Another passenger on the flight, Andrew Spring, observed the flight attendants, doctor, and nurse assisting her before Mr. Andrews intervened. Shrewdly, Mr. Andrews asked if her blood sugar could be low and offered his diabetic test kit to confirm. Southwest Airlines confirmed that medical personnel attended to the woman upon arrival in Phoenix but did not share further details due to privacy concerns. Mr. Andrews, who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at a young age, is known for advocating for diabetics and prioritizing his self-care. Despite his quick actions, he deplaned without any fanfare and Mr. Spring praised his selflessness and commended the strangers who worked together to save someone's life.