September, Friday 20, 2024

Baby Owl Found Hidden Inside American Family's Christmas Tree


A family in Kentucky got a surprise when they found a baby owl hiding in their Christmas tree. The owl had been there for a few days without anyone noticing. A carpet cleaner who was working in the house saw something moving in the tree and decided to investigate. When the family discovered the owl, they were initially shocked and thought it was a prank. They had no idea that the owl had been in the tree the whole time. Luckily, the carpet cleaner spotted the bird, or it could have stayed in the living room undetected. The owl was sitting on a lower branch at first, and then it went deeper into the tree. It took some time for the cleaner to find the owl again and remove it from the tree. He sent a picture to the homeowner, who was completely surprised. The family released the owl back into their backyard. The daughter of the homeowner shared a video about the discovery on TikTok, and many people commented with similar stories of finding animals in their Christmas trees. To remember their unexpected guest, the homeowner decided to make an owl ornament for their Christmas tree.