September, Friday 20, 2024

Discovery of 189 Bodies Unearthed at Environmentally-Friendly Funeral Home in the US


A funeral home in Colorado has been found to have at least 189 decaying bodies, an increase from the initial count of 115 bodies that were discovered a few weeks ago. The authorities were alerted about a foul smell coming from The Return to Nature Funeral Home, which specializes in "green burials." The scene was described as "horrific" and "hazardous" by one official. The FBI is assisting in the identification of the remains. The funeral home specializes in burials without the use of chemicals or embalming fluid. The bodies were found improperly stored, causing poor conditions that resulted in a paramedic developing a rash. Green funerals are allowed in the state, but remains must be buried within 24 hours or refrigerated. The bodies have been removed from the funeral home and are being transported to the coroner's office. The exact number of bodies may change as the investigation continues. The focus is also on providing support to the affected families. The funeral home owners had faced business troubles and eviction. Various teams and agencies, including the FBI, are involved in the investigation, which is expected to be lengthy due to the need for forensic identification.