September, Thursday 19, 2024

Apple intends to appeal against the US decision that approves a ban on smartwatch imports.


Apple has announced that it will appeal against a ban on the import and sale of its Series 9 and Ultra 2 watches in the US. The ban was imposed by the US International Trade Commission following a patent dispute with medical device maker Masimo. Masimo has accused Apple of stealing its employees and technology, resulting in the ban. Apple had requested a stay on the ban until Customs and Border Protection (CBP) could assess whether the redesigned versions of its watches, which do not include the disputed technology, infringed Masimo's patents. The CBP is expected to make a decision on January 12. Apple has also filed an emergency request with the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to lift the ban. Masimo has expressed satisfaction with the White House's decision to uphold the ban, stating that it is a victory for the US patent system and consumers.