September, Friday 20, 2024

Discover the Ghanaian Artist Amoako Boafo, Who Showcased His Work in Outer Space


Amoako Boafo, a rising star in the art world, has returned to his home country of Ghana for an exhibition of his self-portraits. In an interview, Boafo admitted that he never intended to become an artist. Despite his success, he remains reluctant to talk about his work. Boafo's paintings have been showcased in renowned galleries like Larry Gagosian's, who has praised him as the "future of portraiture." Growing up, art was not seen as a career choice for Boafo, who used to compete with his friends in drawing their favorite superheroes. He is surprised and honored that his work is now considered a significant contribution to the art world. Boafo's journey from poverty to success is remarkable. He used to scavenge for food in rubbish bins to support his family, but now his portraits of black individuals, often painted with his fingertips, can fetch seven-figure sums at auctions. He even had the opportunity to display his work on Jeff Bezos's rocket ship, making him one of the first artists to exhibit in space. Boafo represents a rising generation of talented artists from West Africa who support and acknowledge each other's abilities. He recently visited Accra to check on an artists' residency program he established and to exhibit in a group show. It is rare to have the chance to speak with Boafo due to his busy schedule, but he shared his story of growing up and how he managed to pursue his passion for art. Boafo's big break came when his paintings were discovered on Instagram by Kehinde Wiley, the renowned artist known for his portrait of Barack Obama. Boafo considers Wiley's support and inspiration as instrumental in his career. His studio, dot.ateliers, designed by architect Sir David Adjaye, is located near the seashore and offers a breathtaking view. Boafo's rise to international recognition has been swift, with museums and collectors recognizing the lack of representation of black artists in their collections and seeking to rectify this omission. Boafo is honored by the recognition but feels a responsibility to use his success to impact the lives of others in his community. He has contributed a self-portrait to an exhibition in Accra, which showcases the work of artists from the African diaspora. Boafo prefers to communicate through his artwork rather than discussing it. He believes that painting is his true passion and that other activities, aside from tennis, are less exciting for him. Ultimately, Boafo paints because he loves to create. The exhibition in Accra, titled In and Out of Time, is curated by Ekow Eshun and features Boafo's work alongside other African diaspora artists.