September, Thursday 19, 2024

Fears Mount for Missing Teen Alex Batty as Concerns Rise Over Mother's Potential Imprisonment


British teenager Alex Batty, who went missing for six years and was recently found in France, has stated that he does not want his mother or grandfather to face imprisonment for his disappearance. Alex disappeared in 2017 while on vacation with his mother and grandfather at the age of 11. In an interview with ITV's Good Morning Britain, the 17-year-old expressed his concerns about his family members being locked up, explaining that this fear was the reason he did not come home sooner. Alex's grandmother echoed his sentiment, emphasizing her reluctance to see them go to prison. Susan Caruana, who is Alex's legal guardian, also shared her perspective, expressing her desire for a different outlook on the situation. The Greater Manchester Police have begun a criminal investigation into child abduction to uncover the circumstances surrounding Alex's disappearance. He was last seen at the Port of Malaga on the day the family was scheduled to return to the UK. Last month, he was discovered walking in France after being picked up by a delivery driver. Alex revealed that he was growing tired of the nomadic lifestyle he led with his mother and grandfather, living in various locations far away from civilization. Feeling that everything would be gone by the time the police arrived, he decided to leave. Now residing in Oldham with his grandmother, Alex discussed his adjustment to his new life. He mentioned his limited social connections over the past six years, mostly with older individuals, making it quite different for him to interact with people his age. Alex's current aspirations include attending college, finding a part-time job, and organizing a celebration for his upcoming 18th birthday.