September, Friday 20, 2024

Aleksandar Vucic emerges as a dominant force in upcoming Serbian election


Serbia's president, Aleksandar Vucic, may not be running in Sunday's parliamentary elections, but his presence is strongly felt in his party's campaign. The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) has been successful since taking office in 2012, with Vucic as the dominant figure in Serbian politics for the past decade. The opposition parties have centered their campaign around criticizing Vucic, with the Prime Minister Ana Brnabic making it clear that voting for the Progressives means voting for Vucic. However, there are concerns that the focus on Vucic is misleading, as many people believe he is the candidate even though he is not officially running. The SNS faces stiffer competition this time, as most of the pro-EU opposition parties have formed a coalition called "Serbia Against Violence," which has gained popularity among voters. The opposition accuses the SNS of using public resources for party purposes and benefiting from a friendly media. However, the government insists that the elections are fair and open to the opposition. The Progressives are expected to win the parliamentary contest, as the lack of a credible alternative has worked in their favor. The Serbia Against Violence coalition provides a coherent alternative, although their campaign is less sophisticated compared to the Progressives. They believe their strength lies in the cities, and while a national victory may be difficult, they are optimistic about winning in Belgrade. The government emphasizes the need for stability to carry out their program, while the opposition aims to drum up excitement among voters. Sunday's vote will determine if the united front of the opposition can sway the electorate.