September, Friday 20, 2024

Activist Agnes Chow describes Hong Kong as a "realm filled with apprehension"


According to pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow, Hong Kong is now a place filled with fear. Chow, who recently escaped bail and is currently a fugitive in Toronto, shared her perspective in an interview with the BBC. She explained that she does not intend to return home and fears that she will be pursued for life by Hong Kong authorities. Chow also revealed that the intense scrutiny from Chinese authorities has had a detrimental impact on her mental health, causing frequent panic attacks and difficulty finding employment. She expressed her discontent with living under such strict control and emphasized that the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong has been suppressed by the police. Chow was part of the pro-democracy group Demosisto and was a prominent figure in the 2012, 2014, and 2019 anti-government protests. She was previously imprisoned in 2020 for participating in a protest before being released in 2021. Seeking asylum in Toronto, she made the decision to jump bail in November due to the fear of being rearrested or sent to China. Chow stated that she made this decision independently and did not want to comment further on the impact it may have on her family in Hong Kong for security reasons. She also revealed her experience of being taken to mainland China with police escort to retrieve her passport, which included being shown an exhibition on China's achievements and urged to apologize for her past political activities. In explaining her decision to go public with her situation, Chow expressed her desire for people to understand the abuse of power and disrespect for the rule of law displayed by the Hong Kong police. She expressed despair regarding the state of democracy in Hong Kong and the fear she experiences in her homeland. Chow noted her concern about the presence of secret police in Toronto and the alleged police service stations abroad. Despite the caution she must exercise, she hopes to focus on her studies, restore her mental well-being, and live both safely and freely.