September, Friday 20, 2024

Zelensky confronts crucial challenges to revive Western backing for Ukraine


President Volodymyr Zelensky recently had a conversation with Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has been vocal in opposing Ukraine's efforts to join the European Union (EU). The exchange took place at the inauguration of Argentina's new president and has raised concerns about potential diplomatic problems. While the exact content of their conversation is unknown, lip-readers may be able to decipher it. This incident comes at a crucial time for Ukraine, as President Zelensky is set to visit Washington DC to secure a $60 billion US defense aid package. However, this aid has become entangled in domestic political issues in the US. Furthermore, a vote in the Senate blocked the package last week. On Thursday, EU leaders will convene in Brussels to discuss green-lighting formal "accession" talks for Ukraine, a significant step towards EU membership. Nonetheless, there are no guarantees of success. Additionally, a financial assistance package of €50 billion was supposed to be approved, but Viktor Orban has threatened to impede both initiatives, causing frustration within the EU and anger in Kyiv. Critics accuse Orban of being a mouthpiece for Russian President Vladimir Putin, despite Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. Orban has also opposed sending more money and weapons to Ukraine, asserting that the EU is forcing Ukraine's accession onto member states. He has even described Ukraine as one of the most corrupt countries, which has provoked outrage in Kyiv due to allegations of democratic erosion under his leadership. Some believe that Hungary is using Ukraine as leverage to extract more money from the EU. This is a critical week for Ukraine, and the decision on membership talks will have both a significant impact on morale and the military. While there are other EU countries with reservations about expanding the bloc, Hungary currently stands alone in its opposition.