September, Friday 20, 2024

Yunchan Lim, the talented 19-year-old pianist, secures record deal


Decca Records, a record label in the UK, has signed an exclusive deal with Yunchan Lim, a talented 19-year-old pianist who has been compared to K-pop in the classical music world. Lim gained attention last year when he became the youngest winner of the prestigious Van Cliburn Piano Competition. His performance of Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3 has gained over 12 million views on YouTube. After a competitive bidding war, Decca Records secured Lim as their artist, with executives from various cities around the world courting him. Lim chose Decca for their excellent sound quality and reputation for working with legendary musicians. Critics have praised Lim's performances, describing them as visceral, magnetic, and poetic. His powerful rendition of Rachmaninoff's concerto brought conductor Marin Alsop to tears. Lim's love for the piano was influenced by his mother's recordings of Chopin and Liszt when he was young. He began piano lessons at seven years old and entered the Music Academy of Seoul Arts Center at eight. Since winning the Van Cliburn competition, Lim has released two recordings, one of Liszt's Transcendental Études and a live performance of Beethoven's Emperor concerto. His first studio recording will be released by Decca in spring 2024. Decca's co-president, Tom Lewis, praised Lim as the most exciting new classical artist and expressed excitement that he chose their label.