September, Friday 20, 2024

Capturing the Essence of 'Reflections' Through Your Photography


Title: "Captivating Reflections: A Global Photo Showcase" Introduction: In response to our call, photography enthusiasts from around the world shared their remarkable pictures centered around the theme of "reflections". Creating a visually stunning collection, these images allow us to explore the mesmerizing world of reflections through the lens. Now, we invite you to showcase your skills and capture the enchanting beauty of "my garden" in the next edition of our photography series. Publishing and Accessibility: All entries for the "my garden" theme must be submitted by 27 September 2023. Following the deadline, the selected photographs will be published on the BBC News website's In Pictures section, alongside other captivating galleries from around the world. To ensure widespread participation, we have provided two options for submitting your entries: you can either upload them directly on this page or email them to Terms and Conditions: We kindly ask participants to review and comply with the terms and conditions pertaining to the submission process. These guidelines are designed to protect the rights and maintain the integrity of the photographs provided. Details outlining the terms and conditions, as well as the upcoming themes, can be found at: We set the theme, you take the pictures. Please keep in mind that all photographs will remain subject to copyright. Conclusion: Join us on this exciting photographic journey and let your creativity bloom. Discover the captivating reflections captured by fellow photography enthusiasts worldwide. After immersing yourself in this captivating collection, we invite you to share your own artistic representation of "my garden". Don't miss this opportunity to be part of an international visual celebration – a story told through compelling images.