September, Thursday 19, 2024

Hamas attack leads to online radicalisation of young Britons


The UK's Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit has seen a 12-fold increase in hateful social media content since the conflict between Hamas and Israel began in October. The unit, which previously focused on propaganda from the Islamic State group, is now assessing whether extreme posts breach anti-terror legislation. The team has received over 2,700 referrals from the public since the start of the conflict, with a particular emphasis on antisemitic content posted by young Britons. The team is concerned about the intensification of hate on social media, which exposes young people to radicalization by algorithms. The officers believe that social media companies are not doing enough to combat the overall climate of hate created by these algorithms. They also note that individuals are often unaware of what happens after they report a post to the team. The officers review posts to determine if they breach terrorism or hate crime laws, focusing on content that could incite violence offline or radicalize others on social media. Examples of content that has been flagged include expressions of support for Hamas and antisemitic posts. The officers highlight that there has been a sustained increase in hate content since the start of the conflict, with more referrals than after previous terror attacks in the UK. So far, the team has identified 630 possible breaches of terror or hate crime legislation and has passed on 150 cases for further investigation or action. The officers commend platforms such as TikTok, X, and Meta (owner of Instagram and Facebook) for their cooperation in removing extreme content, although they find it more challenging to determine whether borderline posts breach guidelines. The officers raise concerns about the significant amount of hate that falls in the middle ground, not extreme enough to be illegal but still contributing to toxic conversations. They highlight the need to address algorithms that push people towards hate and normalize harmful rhetoric.