September, Friday 20, 2024

Survivors recount the devastating Libya floods as a fate worse than death


Title: Catastrophic Flooding in Libya Leaves Thousands Dead Introduction: Devastating flooding caused by Storm Daniel has resulted in the loss of thousands of lives in Derna, Libya. A torrent of water unleashed after the failure of two dams has obliterated entire neighborhoods and left survivors searching for loved ones. The following account describes the harrowing experience of two brothers, Husam and Ibrahim Abdelgawi, who narrowly escaped the catastrophe. The Initial Signs of Danger: Husam Abdelgawi, a 31-year-old accountant, was awakened by the barking of dogs at 2:30 am. As he ventured downstairs to check on the source of the commotion, he was startled to find water beneath his feet. The Unfolding Horror: Upon opening the front door, Husam was met with a rush of water that tore the door off its hinges. The brothers quickly retreated towards the back door, only to be confronted by an unimaginable scene. Women and children's bodies floated past them, and cars and entire houses were swept away by the raging current. A Desperate Fight for Survival: Caught up in the powerful floodwaters, Husam and Ibrahim were carried apart, with a considerable distance separating them. However, Ibrahim managed to grab onto floating power cables still attached to their poles. Using the cables as makeshift ropes, the brothers pulled themselves towards a nearby building. After climbing to safety on the fifth-floor rooftop, they awaited rescue. Sad Discoveries and Hope Fading: Reflecting on their ordeal, Husam and Ibrahim expressed grave concerns for those in lower parts of the city who likely didn't survive. With over 5,000 confirmed deaths, and the mayor of Derna warning that 20,000 lives may have been lost, the extent of the tragedy is chilling. An Unanticipated Disaster: The torrent of water that washed away entire streets began as light rain the previous day. Initially, the rain failed to alarm residents, with four siblings, led by 23-year-old medical student Amna Al Ameen Absais, even finding amusement in dressing up their younger brother in a life vest. However, as the rain intensified and sirens blared through the night, fear quickly took hold. A Race Against Rising Waters: As the water rose, panic spread, and residents sought refuge on higher floors. Amna and her siblings moved from their first-floor apartment to third, then fifth, and finally, seventh-floor apartments. Eventually, they were forced to retreat to the rooftop, witnessing the collapse of neighboring buildings into the floodwaters. Heart-Wrenching Loss: Amidst the chaos, Amna's cat disappeared, and her uncle's family in a nearby building remains missing. The collapse of buildings and the loss of loved ones compounded the devastation faced by survivors. A Struggle for Survival: After the floodwaters receded, Amna and her siblings embarked on a grueling journey to reach higher ground. They encountered numerous bodies along the way, providing a somber reminder of the catastrophe's escalating death toll. The Aftermath: The catastrophic flooding has left Derna in ruins, destroying entire neighborhoods and leaving survivors in a state of desperation. Many are still awaiting news of missing loved ones, while others mourn the loss of their city, which has been forever altered. Conclusion: Storm Daniel has unleashed catastrophic flooding in Libya, claiming thousands of lives and leaving a trail of destruction and despair. The survivors now face the daunting task of rebuilding their shattered lives and mourning those lost to this unimaginable tragedy.