September, Friday 20, 2024

Bringing Back Women and Children Who Joined IS in Syria: A Safe Return


A rehabilitation center in Kyrgyzstan is providing support and education for women who were brought back from camps in Syria after living with the Islamic State (IS) group. The center, located in the mountains of northern Kyrgyzstan, offers a six-week program that includes lessons on citizenship, religious ethics, and anger management. In addition to education, the women and their families receive medical treatment, psychological support, and basic necessities that they have been lacking for years. The Kyrgyz government has decided to treat these women as victims, although they are still under police investigation. The goal of the repatriation operation is to give them a second chance, but they remain under surveillance and potential criminal charges. Despite the challenges they face, the women are grateful to be back in their home country and hope to lead peaceful and happy lives. The repatriation efforts are supported by the UN children's agency, Unicef, and there is a call for all governments to facilitate the return and rehabilitation of children affected by conflict.