September, Thursday 19, 2024

Controversial President William Ruto Incites Public Outrage with Tax Collection Policies in Kenya


Kenya's President William Ruto has been given the mocking nickname "Zakayo" because of his introduction of new taxes and increases in existing taxes since taking office. This has made him unpopular with many Kenyans who feel that he has betrayed his promise to advocate for the interests of those struggling financially. In a recent speech, Ruto acknowledged that the taxes are painful but said they were necessary to reduce government borrowing and national debt, which currently stands at 10 trillion shillings ($65bn). However, critics argue that the taxes are only funding government extravagance rather than improving public services. The high taxes have had a detrimental effect on businesses, with many facing closure and job losses. Business owners complain about the heavy tax burden and the conduct of tax collectors, including incidents of harassment. Some businesses have resorted to hiding their income to avoid paying taxes. The impact of the taxes has also affected individuals, with rising costs making it difficult for people to spend on things like travel and leisure. There are concerns that the tourism market is being damaged as people seek better deals in neighboring countries. The Kenya Revenue Authority has acknowledged that demand for domestic goods and services has reduced, placing additional strain on the economy. Kenyans are hoping for relief from the high taxes and are calling on President Ruto to address the issue.