September, Friday 20, 2024

Will Smith amazes a Guinean student who cycled across the African continent


Hollywood actor Will Smith surprised a Guinean man, Mamadou Safayou Barry, with a video call. Barry had gained attention last year for his impressive 4,000km bicycle journey across Africa to reach university. Smith expressed his admiration for Barry's efforts and gifted him a new bike and a laptop. In a short film uploaded to Smith's YouTube channel, Barry was visibly shocked and excited to be speaking with the famous actor. Smith's team had contacted the BBC after learning about Barry's story and expressed interest in speaking with him. Barry, who couldn't afford a flight, cycled for four months through several African countries to reach Egypt. Along the way, he faced unjust arrests but eventually received support and funding to fly to Cairo. He was offered a university place and a full scholarship for engineering studies. Smith, referencing author Paulo Coelho, told Barry that when someone commits to a journey, the universe conspires to help them. The video also showed someone presenting Barry with a bicycle and a laptop, while Smith also donated vouchers for him to visit his family in Guinea or for them to visit him in Egypt.