September, Friday 20, 2024

The Conversation US-Palestinian Families Must Have


Palestinian Americans are expressing concern for their safety following a shooting incident involving three college students in New England and a series of other attacks. The recent shooting of three young Palestinian men in Burlington, Vermont, has left parents worried about the safety of their children. Palestinian Americans are increasingly engaging in conversations with their children about encountering racism, similar to conversations that have long taken place in African-American and other minority households. The shooting, which occurred on November 24, is still under investigation to determine if it was a hate crime. The victims believe they were targeted because of their ethnicity, as they were speaking Arabic and wearing keffiyehs at the time of the attack. This incident, along with others, has led Palestinian Americans to fear that visibly identifying as Palestinian in the US has become a risk. The Palestinian community in the US, consisting of around 220,000 individuals, was already reeling from the murder of a six-year-old Palestinian boy in Illinois in October. Reports of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bias have been increasing, with instances of harassment and assault against individuals wearing keffiyehs. Palestinian parents are seeking advice on how to discuss these issues with their children, as they fear for their safety. The divisive political discourse in the US surrounding the Israel-Gaza war contributes to the racism faced by Palestinians. Despite the fear and frustration, there is resilience among the community, as demonstrated by vigils held to honor the victims of the Burlington shooting. Some individuals, like Anne Bordonaro, have even chosen to wear keffiyehs in solidarity.