September, Thursday 19, 2024

The Reasons Behind Peter Nygard's Son Standing by His Accusers


Disgraced fashion mogul Peter Nygard has been found guilty on four counts of sexual assault by a jury in a Toronto courtroom. His son, Kai Zen Bickle, who had not seen his father since a dinner party in 2019 where he witnessed inappropriate behavior, expressed relief and described his father as a "systemic monster" who used his business talents to prey on others. This incident came as a shock to Mr. Bickle, who previously loved his father and spoke of a different man. He reported the incident to an executive at Nygard's company, but was dismissed and told he was mentally unwell. Following this, Mr. Bickle cooperated with authorities, assisting victims and making contacts with lawyers involved in a civil case against his father. Nygard's fall from grace, ending his decades-long career in the fashion industry, has been publicly supported by Mr. Bickle, who fought to delay his father from moving assets offshore. His father's trial in Toronto focused on the testimonies of five women who said they were sexually assaulted by Nygard. However, Nygard faces numerous other accusations from dozens of other women and is expected to face another trial in Montreal next year, as well as assault and confinement charges in Winnipeg. Once his cases in Canada are concluded, he will face extradition to the US, where he is accused of engaging in criminal conduct involving multiple victims. Nygard's son, along with his younger brothers, has also filed lawsuits against their father. The sentencing for Nygard's Toronto trial is scheduled for 21 November.