September, Thursday 19, 2024

What Delayed the US Response to a Lethal Drone Attack?


Retaliatory strikes against Iran-backed militias have begun nearly a week after a drone strike in Jordan killed three US soldiers. The Biden administration faced criticism from Republicans about the timing and forcefulness of the US response. However, foreign policy experts believe that the approach allowed Iran to withdraw personnel, potentially avoiding a wider conflict. The US targeted the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and affiliated militias in Iraq and Syria, hitting a total of seven sites. President Joe Biden stated that the US will respond if harmed, while US officials blamed the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an Iranian-backed militia group, for the Jordan attack. Iran has denied any involvement. Weather conditions delayed the retaliatory strikes, but experts believe that the US purposely avoided telegraphing its operations to prevent a broader war with Iran. US experts recognize the need to deter Iran without escalating the conflict. Republicans criticized Biden's response for being too lenient, while the Biden administration aims to avoid domestic political drawbacks associated with getting involved in a serious conflict.