September, Friday 20, 2024

The Reason behind Artist David Shrigley Destroying 6,000 Copies of The Da Vinci Code


Artist David Shrigley, who was nominated for the Turner Prize, has transformed 6,000 copies of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code into George Orwell's novel 1984. Shrigley got the idea in 2017 when he heard that an Oxfam shop in Swansea had stopped accepting copies of The Da Vinci Code. Starting on October 28th, 1,200 copies of Shrigley's 1984 edition will be sold at the same Oxfam shop for £495 each. Each copy includes a signed and numbered print. Shrigley acquired the books from a recycling center and decided to turn them into 1984 novels because it is the 70th anniversary of Orwell's death and all his works are now in the public domain. A portion of the profits will be donated to Oxfam, and the remaining copies will be sold on Shrigley's website for £795 each.