September, Thursday 19, 2024

What you should understand about the new Covid variant resurgence


The article discusses the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic and the level of concern we should have. It highlights the case of Marjorie from Pembrokeshire, who recently contracted the virus despite believing she had natural immunity. The article points out that it is difficult to determine how many people are catching COVID-19 this autumn since testing sites and surveys have been closed. However, the number of people testing positive in hospitals across the UK has been increasing since the summer, indicating that the virus is still spreading and making people sick. The article mentions that factors such as genetics, age, lifestyle, and environment can affect the likelihood of catching the virus and the severity of the illness. Furthermore, the article explains that people have varying levels of immunity based on their vaccine history and previous exposure to the disease. It emphasizes that immunity against COVID-19 is not long-lasting and can decline over time, unlike diseases like measles or polio. The article also discusses the impact of virus variants on our immune response and highlights the emergence of the Omicron variant. It mentions that exposure to the virus, whether through vaccination or infection, can reduce the severity of the disease. The article notes that new variants will continue to appear, similar to the flu, and new vaccines will be developed accordingly. It suggests that COVID-19 will likely become a recurring problem, with occasional bad outbreaks, but most cases will be manageable. The article mentions that even healthy individuals can still experience the risk of long-COVID symptoms. However, each subsequent infection is expected to be milder and shorter in duration, as immunity strengthens over time. The article concludes by highlighting the need to learn to live with COVID-19 as it becomes a part of our daily lives.