September, Thursday 19, 2024

China's Objectives in the Israel-Hamas Conflict: What They Seek


China has unexpectedly taken on the role of peace broker in the escalating conflict between Israel and Hamas. China's top diplomat, Wang Yi, discussed the situation with officials in Washington and the US has pledged to work with China in finding a resolution. Mr. Wang has also spoken to his Israeli and Palestinian counterparts, and China's Middle East special envoy has met with Arab leaders in the region. China has been vocal in calling for a ceasefire in UN meetings. There are hopes that China's close relationship with Iran, which supports Hamas, could help de-escalate the situation. However, some experts believe that China remains a minor player in Middle East politics and that nobody expects China to contribute to a solution. China's first statement on the conflict angered Israel, as it did not condemn Hamas or mention Israel's right to defend itself. China faces a challenging balancing act as it has a history of openly sympathizing with the Palestinian cause, but also maintains economic and diplomatic relations with Israel. China's involvement in the conflict is partly driven by its economic interests in the Middle East, as it heavily depends on foreign oil imports. Additionally, Beijing sees an opportunity to burnish its reputation by standing up for the Palestinians and contrasting its position against the United States. However, China risks being seen as superficial in its engagement or capitalizing on the conflict for its own interests. Despite its diplomatic position, China also faces criticism for its own human rights abuses. The challenge for China will be to convince the world that it seeks peace in the Middle East without selfish interests.