September, Friday 20, 2024

Individuals willingly inhale polluted air to examine its effects on the brain


Volunteers in Manchester are participating in a study to understand how pollution affects the brain. The participants are exposed to various types of fumes, such as diesel and cleaning products, while scientists analyze their blood samples and cognitive test results. While the impact of air quality on the lungs and cardiovascular system is well-known, less is known about its effects on the brain. The study aims to uncover the biological mechanisms linking air pollution to adverse effects on the brain. In the experiments, four different types of pollution are created, including diesel exhaust and wood smoke, and piped into a room-sized air chamber for participants to breathe in. The participants are exposed to different pollutants and clean air during each visit, and the risks associated with each pollutant will be ranked. Understanding the impact of pollution on brain health is crucial, as it contributes to seven million premature deaths each year. The study involves a relatively small group of 13 participants, but its design allows for statistically significant results to be obtained through cross-comparison. The results are expected to be released in the coming months.