September, Friday 20, 2024

Overcoming All Odds: Vogue Model Ellie Goldstein Proves Doctors Wrong, Defying Their Predictions of Inability to Walk or Speak


Ellie Goldstein, a model with Down's syndrome, has defied expectations and made history by becoming the first model with the condition to feature on the cover of Vogue. Despite initial predictions that Ellie would never be able to walk or talk, she has surpassed all expectations. Now 22 years old, she has purchased her own home in Essex and recently published a book about her life titled Against All Odds. When Ellie was born, her parents were shocked to learn of her Down's syndrome diagnosis. Doctors informed them that she would never walk or talk, and even suggested leaving her at the hospital. It took time for her mother, Yvonne, to accept the diagnosis and bond with Ellie. At five months old, Ellie underwent a 10-hour operation to close holes in her heart, which was a nerve-racking experience for her parents. However, Ellie's determined and cheeky personality began to shine through after her recovery. Contrary to what the doctors predicted, Ellie started walking by 18 months, was speaking by her third birthday, and learned to read before starting school. While she attended mainstream education initially, she later moved to a specialist school for exams. Her parents were apprehensive about when to tell Ellie about her condition, but when they eventually did during her teenage years, she confidently proclaimed that she was still herself and didn't look like the people in the book she was shown. Ellie's path to modeling began when her mother's friend informed her about Zebedee, a talent agency for people with disabilities and visible differences. Ellie joined the agency and soon after landed a role in Superdrug's Christmas advert in 2018. Her modeling career took off from there, and she has since walked three catwalks at London Fashion Week. Despite her success, Ellie remains grounded and enjoys the camera and the attention that comes with it. The modeling industry has provided Ellie with the means to purchase her own home. However, her parents are unsure if she will ever be able to live alone due to her vulnerability. They are currently living alongside her, as they don't want to burden her older sister with the full responsibility of caring for Ellie. They strive to make Ellie more independent while preparing her for a future without them. Yvonne hopes that attitudes towards Down's syndrome have evolved since Ellie was born, but acknowledges that there is still much ignorance. People often address Yvonne instead of Ellie or ask questions about Ellie without involving her in the conversation. Ellie's modeling career has allowed her to fulfill her dream and show others that people with Down's syndrome can succeed as models and be proud of their unique appearances. Looking ahead, Ellie aspires to continue modeling and acting after finishing performing arts college. She dreams of being on the red carpet in New York and strutting down catwalks. Dancing is her absolute favorite activity, and she hopes to one day participate in Strictly Come Dancing. Ellie is excited about her recent home purchase, spending time with her two-year-old nephew, and embracing the holiday season. Ellie is determined to prove people wrong and serve as a role model for others with Down's syndrome. She encourages everyone to believe in themselves, pursue their dreams, and always remain happy. Ellie's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the ability to defy expectations.