September, Friday 20, 2024

Venice Implements Measures Restricting Large Tourist Groups and Loudspeakers


Venice will be implementing new rules to address the negative effects of mass tourism on the city. Starting in June, loudspeakers and tourist groups consisting of more than 25 people will be banned. Authorities explained that loudspeakers tend to create confusion and disruptions. With its status as one of Europe's most popular destinations, the issue of over-tourism has become a pressing concern for Venice. In a move to alleviate the problem, the city approved a €5 fee for daily visitors. Elisabetta Pesce, the official in charge of security, stated that these measures aim to improve the management of tourist groups within the historic center. Despite its small size of 7.6 sq km (2.7 sq miles), Venice welcomed nearly 13 million tourists in 2019, and it is anticipated that visitor numbers will surpass pre-pandemic levels in the future. Earlier this year, Unesco warned that Venice could be added to the list of endangered world heritage sites due to climate change and the impact of mass tourism, which pose irreversible threats to the city. Moreover, large cruise ships have been prohibited from entering the historic center through the Giudecca canal after a ship accident occurred. Critics have argued that these ships not only contribute to pollution but also erode the city's foundations, exacerbating its vulnerability to frequent flooding.