September, Friday 20, 2024

Venezuelan opposition rallies together in support of María Corina Machado


Maria Corina Machado is currently leading the vote held by opposition parties in Venezuela to select a unity candidate for the 2024 presidential election. Despite being barred from holding office, Machado has received 93% of the votes counted so far, while the other nine candidates are significantly behind her. The winner of this primary will compete against the government candidate, who is expected to be President Nicolas Maduro. This primary was organized by the opposition in an attempt to unite behind a single candidate and overcome their historically deep divisions. While many opposition parties boycotted the last presidential election due to candidates being jailed or disqualified, they have decided to participate in the 2024 election despite the odds stacked against them. It remains uncertain whether Machado's ban from holding office will be lifted prior to the election, which was imposed in June by comptroller general Elvis Amoroso, a close ally of President Maduro. The United States has been pressuring the government to reverse this ban. Recent developments include the US easing some sanctions on Venezuela's oil and gas industry and an agreement between the Venezuelan government and opposition representatives to have the 2024 election monitored by international observers. However, government negotiator Jorge Rodríguez stated that the agreement does not apply to candidates who have already been barred by the comptroller general. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that sanctions could be reimposed if the Maduro government does not lift the bans on opposition candidates by the end of November. Machado's position has been reinforced by the high turnout at the primary and her robust victory. She declared victory and stated her commitment to leading a national alliance for the transformation of Venezuela.